The American Market Alchemist

My Ideal Repeatable Week for Making Big Progress in My Business [+ Template for Yours!]

July 10, 2024 Christina Rebuffet-Broadus

In this episode, I want to talk about the importance of stepping back and re-evaluating how you organize your work, especially if you're trying to grow your business and get more clients. 
 A few weeks ago, I was feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied with the way I was spending my days. So this week, I sat down to redesign my work organization. 


work organization, business growth, clients, goals, ideal repeatable week


  • Summer is a good time to re-evaluate and redesign your work organization.
  • Feeling overwhelmed and unsatisfied with your progress is a sign that you need to make changes.
  • Designing an ideal repeatable week can help prioritize important but not urgent tasks.
  • Setting limits and boundaries for yourself is crucial for achieving big goals.

Link to the document: TEMPLATE : My Ideal Repeatable Week

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